The Ballard Native Plant Garden is the newest of the four gardens funded, planted, and maintained by Ridgefield Garden Club in the northwest corner of Ballard Park. The garden was designed in late 2022 and planted in 2023 and the spring of 2024, replacing turf that had been in place for decades. The garden includes more than 500 native plants of 70 different varieties.
The garden was inspired by club member Alice Leaderman, who was passionate about native plants and their benefits.
We are excited about this garden and the opportunity it provides to teach visitors of all ages about native plants and their benefits. In the summer of 2024, the club will begin a project to establish the garden as a teaching garden. The first stage of this effort will be to install garden markers and QR codes that will provide plant identifications as well as links to this webpage and others for more detailed information about specific native plants in the garden and more general information about the benefits of native plants.
The garden was inspired by club member Alice Leaderman, who was passionate about native plants and their benefits.
We are excited about this garden and the opportunity it provides to teach visitors of all ages about native plants and their benefits. In the summer of 2024, the club will begin a project to establish the garden as a teaching garden. The first stage of this effort will be to install garden markers and QR codes that will provide plant identifications as well as links to this webpage and others for more detailed information about specific native plants in the garden and more general information about the benefits of native plants.
The garden has been planted by Club members, family helpers of all ages, high school interns and Connecticut Master Gardener students.
Preparing to plant one of the Cercis canadensis, or Eastern redbuds in the garden.
The Ridgefield Garden Club