Noted landscape architect Fletcher Steele designed the wrought iron pergola that sits on the north end of the gardens in the early 1930’s for the Ridgefield estate of George and Mary May White Doubleday. Mrs. Doubleday was a longtime member and past president of the Ridgefield Garden Club. The pergola remained on their property after the estate was sold and subdivided in the 1960’s. In 1991, the Westmoreland Homeowners Association donated the pergola to the Ridgefield Preservation Trust, which donated it to the Ridgefield Garden Club on the condition it be placed in the park. The pergola was refurbished and moved to Ballard Gardens in 1992. In 2021, the Ridgefield Garden Club, with help from a generous grant from the Richardson Fund, undertook a restoration of the pergola.
The Ridgefield Garden Club